Client Resources

We understand that the heart of exceptional patient care lies in having a dedicated, skilled, and compassionate healthcare team. Whether you require travel nursing and allied healthcare, international nurse staffing, per diem nursing, or advanced practitioners, we are here to provide the perfect match for your organization..

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Our Mission

At Edgemont, our mission is to bridge staffing gaps with tailored solutions, ensuring high fulfillment performance by customizing our approach to each facility’s unique needs..

Edgemont Healthcare

"Experience the difference".
  • commercial-development-management Travel Nursing & Allied Healthcare

    With our Travel Nursing & Allied Healthcare solution, you gain access to a vast network of skilled professionals ready to meet your short-term and long-term staffing needs. Whether you need nurses, therapists, technicians, or other allied healthcare professionals, we provide reliable and flexible staffing options. Our travel nurses and allied health workers are thoroughly vetted and prepared to deliver exceptional care wherever they are needed.

  • airplane-take-off International Nurse Staffing
  • nurse-female Per Diem Nursing

    Our Per Diem Nursing solution offers you the flexibility to cover shifts as needed, without long-term commitment. Ideal for managing fluctuations in patient census, filling in for vacations, or addressing last-minute staffing needs, our per diem nurses are ready to step in and provide top-notch care. You can rely on our pool of qualified and pre-vetted nurses to ensure your facility runs smoothly.

  • survival-bag Advanced Practitioners

    Our Advanced Practitioners solution connects you with highly trained and experienced nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other advanced practice providers. These professionals can perform a wide range of clinical duties, providing you with the expertise needed to enhance patient care and supporting your medical staff. With Edgemont Healthcare, you have access to advanced practitioners who are committed to delivering the highest standard of care..

Our Solutions
Edgemont Healthcare


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To learn more about our solutions and how we can help you build a stronger, more capable healthcare team.

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